New Hope Kids

God loves the little children, and so do we! We want to provide an environment for your children (ages birth-5th grade) that is safe, encouraging, fun, and helps your children understand better how God wants to work in their lives. We want to come alongside parents as well: to equip you and encourage you as you point your children to God!

We have 3 primary ministries: Kids Church during weekend worship services, AWANA on Sunday nights, and Upward Sports in the Fall and Winter, as well as many other activities and events throughout the year!
Plan A Visit

If you have younger children, you can pre-register your children for Kids Church (birth-5th grade). If you would like, you can also let us know that you are coming and sign up for a complimentary gift bag to pick up at the Welcome Center.
We hope to see you soon!
For more info about Kidz ministries please reach out to Pastor Drew.