

Caring for one another is a very important part of being in God's family.  At New Hope, our primary Care Ministry happens through CareNet.  We group together 5 of our small groups (what we call Growth Groups) into Flocks.  And over those Flocks of about 50 people we have a couple who serve as our CareNet ministers and keep an eye on the major needs within their Flocks and support the Care Leaders in each Growth Group.

So, for most normal needs within your Growth Group, your Care Leader will help your group work together to meet those needs, and when their are larger needs, our CareNet ministers are there to help!

Have a need that we might be able to help with?

The best way to get connected with our Care Ministry is to get involved in a Growth Group.  These become smaller families within our larger church family where you can Worship, Grow, and Serve with others.