Guest Hospitality
1. Be Willing to Walk
Too often the guests end up having to park somewhere on the far side of the moon because the closer spots are long gone. Take the parking spaces near the back and leave the best parking spots for others.
2. Own the Building
3. Scoot Up Some (S.U.S.)
Move to the front rows so guests don't have to sit up front. Trying to find a seat is a part of what keeps newcomers away - it's hard enough to come in and just sit down. Let's make it easy for our guests to find a seat.
4. Smile Like You Mean It
A smile may be all a person needs to feel welcome! Guests feel more at ease when they see smiling faces. This small act can make a big impact.
5. Rule of Three
6. Circle of Ten
Greet anyone, member or guest, who comes within ten feet of you. Make a special effort to greet the people you don't already know within your circle of ten.
7. Look for the
"Lost Look"
8. Everyone's Favorite Word
9. Make the First Move
Guests may be overwhelmed by the newness of their experience. Try and engaging an unfamiliar face in conversation - and don't forget to use good FORM: ask about their Family, Occupation, Recreation, and Motivation. Asking questions communicates you care!
10. Invite Them Back
Don't forget to be kind to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it!
Hebrews 13:2