Baby Dedication Weekend
May 11-12, 2024
At New Hope, we want to encourage parents to take seriously the Bible’s commands concerning children to “bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord” (Eph. 6:4b).
A Parent/Baby Dedication Service gives parents the opportunity to recognize that God is the one who gave them their child and to publicly dedicate themselves to pointing their children toward faith in Jesus Christ and modeling for them how to be involved in God’s work through His family, the church. Also, it gives the New Hope family the opportunity to dedicate ourselves to being God’s servants to help the child come to a point of accepting Jesus as his/her Savior and then to help him/her grow as a follower of Christ.
*Note: At least one parent must be a partner (member) of New Hope to participate in this Dedication Service. If you have not partnered with New Hope yet, please sign up for the next Starting Point Class (