Ministry Partnership Page

What is God doing in Upstate NY?


In August 2019, Kaili and I moved from Ohio to Upstate New York. Since moving, we have come to find this part of NY as home. We enjoy hiking the mountains, floating in our kayaks, serving with an awesome church family, and starting a little family of our own. In 2021 God led us to consider Church Planting in the Northeast, and as we began to explore it more and more, it seemed to be the real reason God brought us here from the Ohio. We officially began the journey to start a church in 2022 when I became our church's first official Church Planting Resident. You can hear the latest part of our journey by clicking the link below:

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Ways to partner:

  • Planting a church is certainly not going to be an easy task, and it will be an impossible one if we try to do so in our own strength. Kaili and I are looking for 250 people to partner with us in weekly prayer for the next 5 years of our church planting ministry. I know there are those who have been praying for Kaili and I for quite some time and we are so grateful for all your prayers. He’s been listening! 

  • We are looking for three to four churches to partner with us at $200 a month for the next four to five years. Our hope is that these financial partnerships run much deeper than money. We hope to be a blessing and encouragement to these churches and more as we work to expand God's Kingdom on earth. We will also have opportunities for churches to not just send money, but send teams who can help serve God's Kingdom in Malta.


Mosaic Giving


Note: If you partnered financially with us before October 2024 please click the "Mosaic Giving" button. This will link to the page for you to edit your current giving. Thank you!